Monday, October 1, 2012

October You Pick Offerings.

G and S Orchards offers many different items to You Pick during the month of October. We have Red and Yellow Raspberries, Tomatoes and You Dig Potatoes available until the 1st hard frost or while supplies last (which ever comes first).

We also have lots and lots of Pumpkins. Over 14 different varieties of all shapes, sizes and colors for you to choose from and the prices are very reasonable!

Cortland, Crispin, Empire, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Ida Red, Macoun, McIntosh and Spy Gold Apples are available for picking. If the apples are limited on the trees already picked bins of apples will be available for you to "Pick" from. The inclement weather this spring reduced the apple crop so we are trying to make your experience the best possible under the circumstances by supplying already picked apples.

We thank you for your understanding and continued patronage.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September is Bartlett Pear time.

September marks the return of school and with that comes the Bartlett Pear season. These are the "green" pears that turn yellow when ripe. They are smooth and sweet. This pear is the preferred variety for canning. We have these and plenty of other fruits and vegetables on the Farm Stand.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Peaches are here!

August marks the beginning of the free stone or cling free Peach season. What does this mean? Free stone or Cling free is when the pit of the Peach comes away cleanly from the meat or flesh of the fruit. It makes canning and processing of the Peach easier. It does not have any impact on the taste or flavour. We will have plenty of Peaches on the Farm Stand and at Fairport Farmers Market (Saturday mornings only). Please contact us to place large quantity orders. 

The Farm Stand also has an assortment of Fruits and Vegetables including tomatoes and pickles for canning.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Summer You Pick Season Closing July 29th.

It is hard to believe July is already half over. Where does the time go? If you want to pick Blueberries you need to get here soon. The Summer You Pick season will end at 1:30pm on Sunday July 29th. We will reopen on Saturday September 8th for the fall season. Don't be upset if you waited too long - the Farm Stand will be open daily with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables!



Monday, June 25, 2012

You Pick Raspberries, Gooseberries, Currants and Blueberries.

We have plenty of "bush" berries this season. Come out daily from 7:30 am to 1:30 pm (weather permitting) for You Pick Raspberries and Blueberries. Or try a new recipe for Gooseberries or Currants. See you soon!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Season will officially Start on the 13th of June!

We are so excited to get this season underway! The Farm Stand is opening on the 13th of June. We will have fresh picked peas - shell, snow and snap. Along with yummy Strawberries and Rhubarb. Personally I love Rhubarb all by itself either stewed or in a pie or in crisp. I save the Strawberries for fresh eating or sliced over ice cream (Gary's favorite).

Our You Pick Strawberry plants have not recovered from the freeze they experienced 3 nights in a row in late April. We don't think they will produce a viable crop for the You Pick season this year. We plan to open the You Pick with Red Raspberries later in June.

We hope to see you soon.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Spring to Summer transition is underway!

The Barn Swallows returned yesterday. For us that is a sure sign Spring is transitioning to Summer. The peas are up and out of the ground. The hoop house or high tunnel is planted with tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and squash. The new cherry trees and raspberry bushes have been planted. They are just waiting for the warm weather to start growing. The new strawberry plants will be arriving in the middle of May. Soon after that we will be planting all of the other vegetables. June will be here before you know it!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Snow Impacts Growers, Trees and Bushes - YNN, Your News Now

Fruit farmers, already worried about this year's crop, awoke to a wet and heavy snow on their trees. They blossomed early because of warm 80 degree weather in March. That was followed by freezing temperatures.  Watch this report from G and S Orchards:

Snow Impacts Growers, Trees and Bushes - YNN, Your News Now

Monday, April 23, 2012

Farmers Concerned About Late Season Storm - 13 WHAM

Walworth, N.Y. - Farmers across Western New York are keeping a close eye on a late season snow storm that could very well deliver the knock out punch to a growing season that's already been hit hard this year.  Watch this report from G and S Orchards:
Farmers Concerned About Late Season Storm

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Frost Threatens Area Fruit Crops (Democrat and Chronicle)

The bizarre weather conditions this spring have been a challenge for the area Fruit Farmers but they are hopeful that there will be minimal loss to their crops. G and S Orchards is highlighted in this Democrat and Chronicle article.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fruit Farmer Heats Orchard to Stop the Frost - YNN, Your News Now

Fruit Farmers across the region are trying to determine how bad the frost may have damaged early blooming fruit trees.  G and S Orchards is featured in this report from YNN:

Fruit Farmer Heats Orchard to Stop the Frost - YNN, Your News Now

Farmers Fight Hard Frost Overnight - 13 WHAM

Walworth, N.Y. It was a long, cold night for farmers fending off a potentially disastrous frost. According to Gary and Stephanie Craft in Wayne County, every degree matters.  Watch this report from G and S Orchards:

Farmers Fight Hard Frost Overnight

Time will tell.

It will be at least 2 weeks before we know if the fires and Lazy Flame heat pots were successful at producing enough heat to save the fruit blossoms. We will keep you posted.

Thank you to all for your concern, well wishes and offers of help. We truly appreciate it.

Stephanie and Gary

Monday, March 26, 2012

Farmers Prepare For Cold Night - 13 WHAM

"It has the potential to substantially reduce our income and there isn't much you can do about," say Stephanie Craft about temperatures that are expected to dip below freezing Monday night.  Watch the complete report here:

Farmers Prepare For Cold Night

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fruit Growers Fear Losses From Frost - Rochester D & C

Grape, apple and other fruit growers throughout the Rochester region are worried about a frost expected late Monday and early Tuesday. Read the complete article from Rochester Democrat and Chronicle:

Growers Fear Losses from Frost

Sunday, March 18, 2012

How is this warm weather affecting the fruit?

A good question with the weather we are having this year! The virtually none existent winter and unseasonably warm weather has pushed the season. Currently the trees are 3 to 4 weeks ahead of last year which was considered a "normal" season. This won't be a problem if we don't get any cold weather. What is Cold? Below 32 degrees once the flower buds start opening is too cold. Keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer we make it through the next 2 months without a hard freeze.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The 2012 CSA sign up season has started!

Membership in our CSA is a great way to support a real working farm. You will learn about the people and farm that supply you with a wonderful variety of high quality produce throughout the season.

This is our 5th year of offering the only all Fruit CSA in the Rochester area along with a Vegetable CSA. The Fruit CSA is available in 2 share sizes and 2 season sizes and one combination share size and season size. The Vegetable CSA is one size and one season.

Check out our CSA page and e-mail to receive your sign up information.